1. Better liability through increased contrast between font and background

2. Improved structure by increasing contrast between input and category labels.

3. Bringing focus on the input by reducing the saturation of the headlines font color

4. Increase space between actionable areas (checklist entries, buttons) reduce likelihood of selecting something unintentionally.

5. Support structure by grouping section labels and their corresponding input by reducing spacing between them

6. Toggels are clearer recognizable as such, due to slight spacing of the highlight to the border in the selected state.

7. More information fits on the screen through overall reduced spacing.

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1. Improved Location Labeling: The title and dropdown are now closer together, making their relationship clearer.

2. Selected Dropdown Text: The selected text now appears distinct from placeholder text.

3. Checkbox Spacing: Increased spacing between checkboxes to prevent accidental selections on smaller devices.

4. Bold Titles: All titles are bold for better visibility.

5. Enhanced Pill Text: Darkened text in the bathroom and bedroom pills for improved readability.

6. Larger Font Size: Increased overall font size for better legibility.

7. Optimized Spacing and White Space: Enhanced spacing and white space to display more options to users.

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padding, contrast, sizing as per the previous comments, plus the grey (not blue) toggle - toggles are not buttons/links

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Proper spacing + light text visibility - rest is ok for me.

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